There are abandoned cemeteries everywhere. In Warsaw, the Jewish cemetery in Praga was abandoned and severely neglected for decades. In Żeliszów – a Lutheran cemetery from the early 19th century, right next to the Temple of Art and Light: the Pearl. There is no one to turn on the candle-lights…
Pearl Night
Yesterday the “Pearl by Night” event took place – the last “open door” event in the Temple of Art and Light this year. The tour began with a visit to the Pearl Cemetery, illuminated with candles, in the company of a local historian – Darek Gołębiewski, who spoke engagingly about…
The Pearl at night!
The last opportunity to visit the Temple of Art and Light this year will be October 28. We accept registration for two groups – for 18:30 and 19:30. First, the guide will take you around the Pearl Cemetery and then inside the Pearl. The ground floor will be accessible and…
Monastery Dragons 1
We are very pleased to officially announce that the Gentlemen’s Lodge (Loża Dżentelmenów) is our partner! As part of the cooperation, from time to time, the Lodge will release collector’s whiskey of its own selection, the profit from which will be donated to projects implemented by the Foundation. From now…
Monastery gate
Thanks to a subsidy from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, work on the gate building at Strzelecka Street is accelerating. The vault and walls surrounding the gate passage itself have been cleaned, completed and strengthened, waiting for grouting. On the one hand, those who say that PLN 210,000…
Defensive monastery in Nowogrodziec – progress of work
Cleaning bricks soot from bonefires lit under the vault, removing vulgarisms written with spray paint, strengthening and supplementing the structure of walls and vaults, and soon grouting. The gate passage of the defensive monastery in Nowogrodziec is slowly changing its character. Work in progress. Replenishing such a vault is tedious…
PLN 50,000 more for the Pearl!
We are happy to announce that the Marshal’s Office of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship has increased this year’s subsidy for our Temple of Art and Light by PLN 50,000! As you can see, the Marshal’s Office cares about the most valuable architectural pearls of the region. 🤩 Thank you! ❤️…
End of the 2023 cultural season
The 2023 cultural season in our Temple of Art and Light: the Pearl, started with the comic opera “Serva Padrona” by Giovanni Pergolesi, was closed yesterday with the excellent performance “Action Medea”. It was an active season at the Pearl. Painting and photography exhibitions where you could not only admire…
Pearly Decade VIII
This year has been exactly 10 years since the Your Heritage Foundation (Fundacja Twoje Dziedzictwo) took over the care of the Temple of Art and Light: the Pearl, giving it a new life. In the following posts, we remember several important people and events on the way from the abandoned,…
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