Abandoned cemeteries – unwanted heritage

There are abandoned cemeteries everywhere. In Warsaw, the Jewish cemetery in Praga was abandoned and severely neglected for decades. In Żeliszów – a Lutheran cemetery from the early 19th century, right next to the Temple of Art and Light: the Pearl. There is no one to turn on the candle-lights in these places or to clean up the garbage left by the less civilized representatives of our species. Do these old memorial sites have to disappear?

From the point of view of a religious or simply spiritual person, one does not have to be either a relative or a compatriot of the buried person to respect the burial place.

From the point of view of a person who values aesthetics more than spirituality – it is a crime to destroy or abandon old cemeteries – places where sepulchral architecture reigns, instead of today’s terrazzo dotted with plastic.

So why is there still so much disappearing and unwanted heritage among beautiful, old cemeteries? Even if a place has been abandoned for years, maybe it is worth taking care of it? Are there places of culture that are more peaceful and more stimulating to philosophical reflection than cemeteries?

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